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Profitable for prompt financing of short-term needs!

The "Overdraft loyalty" project is a loan product designed to finance current assets (payments) of corporate clients in a short period of time.

Overdraft is very convenient for prompt provision of short-term customer requirements, allowing customers to use additional financial resources to timely fulfill their obligations to their business partners.

Allows the client to perform operations with the current account, exceeding the balances on current accounts. Unibank offers its customers an overdraft limit without collateral in a short period of time.


Who can use this product:

— Clients with business activity for more than 12 months;

— Clients who have made turnover on their accounts for the last 6 months;

— Clients whose monthly turnover exceeds 5 000 AZN.



 No fee is applied to first-time users;

— The amount is issued from 5 000 AZN to 150 000 AZN;

— The overdraft limit will be accrued on the basis of the current account turnover in Unibank;

— Term of use of the limit: 2 months;

— The first 7 days without interest, the annual interest rate is 16%.

Get business loans from Unibank via İnternet banking with just one touch, without collateral and online within 15 minutes!

The project "Acquiring overdraft" is a loan product assigned to corporate clients for short-term financing of current assets (payments).

Overdraft is very convenient for prompt provision of short-term customer requirements. This product allows customers to use additional financial resources in fulfilling their obligations to their business partners.

Allows the client to perform operations with the current account, exceeding the balances on current accounts. Taking into account the client turnover on POS-terminals of Unibank, within a short period of time the client is offered a loan with an overdraft limit without collateral. One of the other main advantages of this product is that after the overdraft was issued, the payments made via the POS terminal are directed to the write-off of the overdraft debt, depending on the customer's wishes. For example: A customer was given an overdraft of 5 400 AZN. During the application, the client is asked what percentage of the payment is directed and offered 3 options (40%, 50% and 60%). If the customer chooses 60%, 60 AZN of the 100 AZN payment will be used to write off the loan. 5400 AZN - 60 AZN = 5340 AZN debt will remain.


Who can benefit from overdraft based on turnover:

— Clients with business activity for more than 12 months;

— Unibank (using POS-terminals) joined the acquiring program for more than 6 months.



No fee is applied to first-time users;

— The amount is issued from 5 000 AZN to 100 000 AZN;

— The overdraft limit will be accrued on the basis of the client's turnover in the POS-terminals of Unibank;

— The period for using the limit is 3 (three) months;

— The annual interest rate is 19%.

Get business loans from Unibank via İnternet banking with just one touch, without collateral and online within 15 minutes!

The overdraft salary project is a credit product intended to finance salaries by corporate customers. It brings the customers joining the Unibank salary project special opportunities. Namely, such corporate customers will be able to borrow loans fast and without collateral. If a company has a short-term cash shortage or a certain delay in disbursing the salaries, the business owners connected to the salary project can address such problems in just one day. The salary overdraft offers them interest-free loans without collateral for 14 days.


Who can borrow such loans:

— Clients with business activity more than 12 month;

— The customers who became connected to the salary project more than 6 months in advance.

The Limit: 

 No fee is applied for first-time users;

— The amount starts at 5 000 AZN;

— The overdraft limit calculations are based on the salary turnovers of the customer on the account with Unibank;

— The limit usage period will be 3 months;

—  No interest will accrue during the first 15 days. The annual rate of interest is 24%.


 Get business loans from Unibank via İnternet banking with just one touch, without collateral and online within 15 minutes!

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