Training and development

Training and Development Centre will be your best friend and companion throughout your career and work life!

The gain and the main capital of any organisation is its human capital, its team. A successful company should constantly be interested in breeding literate and strong professionals. Exactly such company will carry out its strategy and reach its goals. Considering that, Unibank has constantly been taking steps to train its employees and ensure their growth. To that end, we have an object of our pride - Unibank Training & Development Centre (T & D). Located at Uniplaza, T & D has perfect conditions for holding various trainings and seminars. About 15 intra-bank trainings, including inner attestations and seminars are held there. T & D regularly conducts intra-bank training sessions in the following areas:

— Familiarization with banking
— Customer services and conduction  
— The lending 
— Corporate loans and analytics 
— Taxes and its basics
— Accountancy 
— Foreign language courses, etc. 

Every year hundreds of our employees enhance their professionalism level, as well as “soft” and “hard” skills at the Unibank’s Training and Development Center. It is here where the usefulness of the past training sessions and their impacts on the Bank are assessed in the post-training analysis sessions.
The Unibank’s Training and Development Center plays a huge role in shaping the human capital of the Bank professionally.

Our events

Müştəriyə Yönlənmiş Xidmətin Əsasları
UniTalent Debate Tournament
English Language

