Unibank ended with the high third-quarter income

“Unibank” KB ASC announced the first 9-month the financial results in 2021. The operating income on October 30th 2021 constituted 116 million azn. The interest income of first 9 month is 81 million azn and non-interest income is 29 million. It is important to point that the non-interest rate of income increased up to 48% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

The deposit portfolio of Unibank increased during the first 9 month of the present year. Term deposits have increased by 119 million azn since the beginning of 2021 and made up 453 million azn on Seprember 30th of the corresponding year. Unibank supports and contributes growth of contactless payment and online shopping system. The number of payment cards in circulation has increased significantly the last 9 month. Compared to the beginning of the corresponding year the number of VISA and Mastercard debit cards has increased by 53% and composed 421 million cards.

Since the beginning of the year, our Bank has actively participated the economy and supported with financial resources. During the reporting period the loan portfolio has grown.  In comparison with the beginning of the year the loan portfolio of Unibank has increased by 28% near 160 million azn.

Traditionally, business lending was priority for Unibank. In the previous period, business lending received a great attention. Also, business loans to small and medium enterprises increased by 29% since beginning of the year. Since beginning of the year during the reporting period the amount of the business loans constituted 45 million azn.

The prosperous growth of the bank is noticeable in key financial indicators. Based on financial results, since the beginning of the year the assets of Unibank increased by 18 %. Additionally, during reporting period total assets of bank constituted 961 million azn. At the end of reporting period the balance capital constituted 98 million azn and net profit 4 million azn.

The number of Unibank mobile app users (UBank) increased due to raise of demand of distant services. Since the begging of the year the number of UBank registered users raised by 46%. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, the turnover of card transactions through the mobile application increased by 15% and 63% the number of mobile bank users.

During the third quarter, Unibank produced its first digital bank “Leobank”. The key ideology of Leobank is mobile-only bank. In order to increase the demand of contactless payment, Loebank provides all services and products digitally and the number of users increases day by day.

Unibank KB ASC operates since 1992. There are a lot of regional and central service network. Unibank was awarded by multiple international and national rewards due to its successful participation in commercial and social projects.

