Annual 7% cash rewards

Terms of accrued interest on the balance on the card:

Possibility of an annual increase of funds on the account in the amount of 7% for all Unibank cards without turnover requirement!

Bonus on card balance in AZN currency is accrued according to the following rules:

•  7% per annum if there is an amount 5000 - 50 000 AZN on the account;
•  1% per annum if there is an amount up to 5000 AZN on the account;
•  1% per annum on part of the amount over 50 000 AZN.



•  If the client has more than one card, then 7% per annum is accrued only on the part up to 50 000 AZN of one card, where the largest amount of funds is, and for other cards in AZN currency the standard rate of 1% per annum is accrued;
•  The following cards do not accrue interest: Digital, business cards, foreign currency card accounts, cards for receiving interests on deposit;
•  You can earn miles as a bonus on the balance of Unimiles, Mastercard Black Edition, Mastercard World Elite cards;
•  Funds are transferred to the card if the amount of interest accrued on the balance of Unibank client cards during the month is at least 5 AZN (inclusive);
•  According to the AR Tax Code, since 01.02.2023, 10% of the annual interest income paid on savings, "Topla" and card balances is taxed. According to the legislation, after 01.01.2024 certain privileges is applied in taxing. Details here;
•  Bonus calculation on the card balance applies only to AR citizens and individuals with permanent residence permit.

