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Cashback for the above mentioned 4 categories (market, cafe-restaurant, parking, utilities) is calculated during payments made in AZN with debit and credit cards. The maximum amount of cashback for each category is 20 AZN. The maximum calculated amount for each transaction in the market is 10 AZN. In the market cashback is applies to POS terminal payments using Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Cashback is also calculated at the appropriate interest rate in markets, cafes-restaurants and parking abroad.
* 2% cashback on utilities is applies only to residential payments in UBank.
* 6% cashback in markets is applies only to payments made with Apple Pay/Google Pay in Bravo. In the other markets is applies 3% cashback.
* 10% cashback in cafe-restaurants is applies only to payments made at Bolt Food. In the other cafe-restaurants is applies 3% cashback. The maximum calculated amount at Bolt Food is 20 AZN.

In addition, the following cashback are calculated in debit cards: (*see “Exceptional cases”)

• 0.5% if the amount of online payment is over 20 AZN;
• 0.5% if the purchase is made at non-partner (as well as payments abroad).


• is calculated for payments above 1 AZN;
• is transferred to the customer's account during current month, if more than 2 AZN cashback was earned;
• is calculated to customers who have entered UBank within the last 3 months.

The total amount of cashback, that each customer can earn by categories per month, is 90 AZN. There is no limit in partner stores.
You can earn unlimited cashback with all debit and credit cards, regardless of currency, on payments made in the above-mentioned partner network.

Cashback is applied to the listed cards:

• UCard, Visa Platinum, Visa Infinite, Mastercard Black Edition (cashback), Albali card, Digital card;
• Using Unimiles, Mastercard Black Edition (miles) and Mastercard World Elite cards you can earn miles. You can get additional information about the miles on the Unimiles page.

