Suggestions and complaints


The Department of Appeals and Complaints (hereinafter referred to as the “department”) should provide maximum access to consumer complaints and should not restrict the ways of requests.

In order to consider and respond to consumer complaints, the consumer must provide the bank with the following information about himself and the subject of the complaint.

- Name, surname and patronymic of the consumer

- Contact phone (e-mail)

- Date of birth

- The address

- Content of the request

The consumer can send an appeal to the bank in oral, written and electronic form.

The consumer can send his request orally, in writing to the employees of the special structural unit for consumer protection in the central office, to the Call Center hotline, as well as by registering his written application (proposal or complaint) in the relevant branches of the bank and sending it to the central office of the bank. In addition, you can submit an electronic application via the section located in the relevant part of our website.

Each consumer applying in a electronic form is given a corresponding code via a centralized database to know the status of the application.

The consumer can find out about the status of the request by writing his code in the appropriate section of the special section on our website.

Registered requests are stored in the registration database for at least 5 years. The consolidated registration register is posted in the "applications" section, which is formed on the bank's website every six months and stored in this section for at least 3 years. Summary information should be disclosed to them only at the request of the consumer.

If consumers do not agree with the reaction of the credit institution to their appeals, they can apply to the Central Bank, including the court, to restore their rights.

The bank must respond to consumer requests no later than 15 working days, if additional consideration of requests is necessary, the response time may be extended up to 30 working days.

To submit a request, each consumer can receive the bank's e-mail address, the short number of the Call Center hotline, via contracts concluded with him, information and advertising media of the bank, via the Internet. A special structural unit for consumer protection maintains a report according to the following criteria:

· Information about consumers;

· Quantity, character and reasons for appeals;

· Distribution of requests by products and services;

· Distribution of the number of complaints satisfied by the consumer, the number of complaints unfounded by the consumer or the number of complaints sent to other relevant divisions;

· The number of compensated appeals and the amount of compensation.


Reports on the above criteria are discussed by the Supervisory Board in the form of a comparative analysis of data with previous periods and an appropriate decision is made.


Have questions or complaints? Call or write to official pages of Unibank in social networks: 

https://www.facebook.com/unibank.az, https://instagram.com/unibank.az

Hotline: 117 ext. 3

Postal address of the service: Baku, AZ1022, st. Rashid Behbudov, 55


Contact information of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

Address: AZ1014, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, st. R. Behbudov, 90

Tel.: (+994 12) 966; (+99412) 493-50-58

Fax (+994 12) 493 5541

Website: www.cbar.az

