General info

— Depozit principal amount : 50 AZN;
— Period: 12 ay;
— Increase of principal amount provided;
— Minimal amount of increase : 10 AZN;
— Interest Accumulation Scheme: Compound Interest. Interest accrued on the principal amount as well as on the previously accrued interest amount;
— Interest accumulation: on maturity;
— When the deposit expires, it is automatically extended for a period equal to the main one;
— Upper limit of the annual interest rate on insured deposits is 12% in national currency and 2.5% in foreign currency;
— Terms of deposit insurance;
— Bonus is payable if a customer supplements its depozit principal amount with additional funds on a monthly basis during the term of the deposit agreement;
— If the amount of deposits for 1 customer is more than 1 million, a deposit can be opened only with individual interest;
— According to the AR Tax Code, after 01.02.2023, 10% of the annual interest income paid on savings, "Topla" is taxed. According to the legislation, after 01.01.2024 certain privileges is applied in taxing. Details here.

