How to earn miles?

— Non-cash transactions in partner and non-partner networks with a UniMiles card will accrue Miles bonuses;
— After the first successful mile operation, you will get  1000 miles Welcome Bonus;
— The collected miles can be exchanged for the purchase of a ticket from any airlines;
— The term of use of miles 36 months (after 36 months the collected miles will be nullified);
— You can get information about the Miles bonuses in the "Miles Private Account" section, which is on the website www.unibank.az

Miles will not be counted in these transactions:

— Cashing out;
— Money transfers (CardToCard, CashByCode, VisaDirect, MoneySend);
— Utilities, mobile payments, fixed-line telephony, Internet/TV service payments;
— Exchange – Forex operations;
— Transfers to a virtual and electronic wallet;
— Loan payments;
— Transactions on gambling sites (Quasi cash/gambling);
— Payments made on the state portal;
— Digital games;
— Transportation means;
— Foreign points of sale where 18% tax is applied;
— Payments by card in markets;
— Notary services;
— Payments made in the AppStore, Google Play, AppGallery and other platforms, as well as within the application (subscription);
— Advertising payments via the Internet (social networks, websites);
— Insurance payments.

*To receive even more Miles bonuses in the partner networks, make the payments in the pos-terminals of Unibank.
*In some partnet networks, miles may apply on selected products.

